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Health points



Neutral (adult)
Passive (baby)






File:BiomeSprite jungle.pngJungle
File:BiomeSprite bamboo-jungle.pngBamboo Jungle
File:BiomeSprite sparse-jungle.pngSparse Jungle
BiomeSprite rainforest.png: Sprite image for rainforest in Minecraft linking to RainforestRainforest

Usable items

Every item can be used.

Chimpanzees are a neutral mob found near banana trees in jungles and rainforests. They are intelligent, playful animals which can interact with many blocks and items around them. They can also be used to farm banana bunches automatically without the need of replanting banana trees.


Banana Tree

Chimpanzees spawn exclusively on world generation near banana plants in jungles and rainforests biomes. Each banana plant has a 25% chance to be a "chimp plant", which will make anywhere from 12 to 24 attempts to spawn one chimpanzee at random locations near the banana plant. These attempts have a high likelihood of failing, since they may target the inside of a block. A maximum of 10 chimps can be spawned per banana plant. These values can all be changed in the Neapolitan common config.

Unlike most other passive mobs, chimps spawn exclusively on world generation and cannot replenish themselves naturally.


Chimpanzees have three unique variants that are decided according to the biome they spawn in:

Template:EntitySprite Jungle Chimps
Template:EntitySprite Bamboo Jungle Chimps
Template:EntitySprite Rainforest Chimps
  • BiomeSprite sparse-rainforest.png: Sprite image for sparse-rainforest in Minecraft linking to Sparse RainforestSparse Rainforest
  • BiomeSprite rainforest.png: Sprite image for rainforest in Minecraft linking to RainforestRainforest
  • BiomeSprite sparse-rainforest-basin.png: Sprite image for sparse-rainforest-basin in Minecraft linking to Sparse Rainforest BasinSparse Rainforest Basin
  • BiomeSprite rainforest-basin.png: Sprite image for rainforest-basin in Minecraft linking to Rainforest BasinRainforest Basin

If chimps are spawned in any other biome, either via breeding or altering the biome tags #neapolitan:has_feature/banana_plant/common or #neapolitan:has_feature/banana_plant/uncommon, they will default to the Jungle variant.

Modpack creators can alter the chimp variant in biomes by changing the biome tags #neapolitan:spawns_bamboo_variant_chimpanzees or #neapolitan:spawns_rainforest_variant_chimpanzees. Biomes not in either of these tags will default to the jungle variant.

Natural Equipment

Each chimp have a 10% chance to spawn holding an item. Of those chimps:

  • 60% will spawn holding a stick, or a piece of bamboo if that chimp is a Template:EntitySprite bamboo jungle chimp.
  • 40% will spawn holding a banana frond.

Chimps holding sticks or bamboo will do 1♥ extra point of damage when hitting things.


Unlike other mob heads, chimpanzee heads are not obtained by killing a chimpanzee with a charged creeper, but rather through banana plant archaeology.

On Death

Chimps drop Template:Xp if killed by a player or tamed animal.


On death, chimps have a 8.5% chance of dropping any items they naturally spawned with. Each level of looting increases this chance by 1% (11.5% with Looting III).


Chimps drop Template:Xp after a successful breeding.

Chimps will always drop any items given to them by the player.


Naturally, chimps wander randomly, occasionally climbing onto blocks and sitting down. They are completely immune to fall damage and the slipping effect. Chimps naturally avoid plantain spiders.

Chimps require favorable environmental conditions to farm bananas. Over time, they will become hungry and dirty. They can become lonely when isolated from their friends. If they are not under direct sunlight, they will become pale over time. Chimps need to be healthy to farm bananas properly, so it is adviseable to ensure their needs are met for an optimal farm.

Tempting & Breeding

Chimps can be tempted and bred with banana bunches. If chimps are made to follow the player for too long, or if players remove banana items from their main or offhand with chimps following them, the chimps may become angry and attack the player.

Dirtiness & Grooming

If left over a period of 10 minutes, chimps will become dirty, gaining a muddied appearance and emitting fly particles. When this happens, other nearby chimps can attempt to groom them and reset their dirtiness. Dirty chimps can groom each other. Chimps can be made dirty by throwing mud balls at them, though this will make them hostile towards you.

Dirty chimps will never shake banana bundles.


When chimps are not exposed to the sky for up to 5 minutes, they will become "pale", signified by their skin turning gray. Pale chimps will become normal after spending 5 minutes exposed to the sky.

Pale chimps will never shake banana bundles.


Chimps will become hungry after 8 minutes, signified by them emitting banana particles.

Chimps will try to eat any banana, banana bread, dried banana, and drink any potions in their hand when hungry. They can also eat the bananas off of bananarrows, pricking themselves on the arrow in the process (the hurt animation is purely cosmetic, the chimp's health will not deplete). They can also open banana bunches the same way as a player can, spawning a banana peel and adding 1 banana to their hand.

Eating any food item will fill them completely (they'll become hungry only after another 8 minutes) and heal them for hp equal to the food's nutrition. Eating Bananarrows will heal for 2♥, like normal bananas.

Modpack makers can allow chimps to consume more food items by adding them to the #neapolitan:chimpanzee_snacks tag.

Bundle Shaking

If there are no bananas nearby, hungry chimps may cling onto banana bundle blocks and make exaggerated shaking movements for exactly 8 seconds in an effort to harvest some. While shaking, the bundle will drop a banana every 0.25-1.75 seconds. Each banana has a 75% chance to be a banana bunch item and 25% chance to be a banana peel entity. Banana bunches can be collected by hoppers before they are picked up by chimps for a banana farm. Each bundle can be shaken infinitely and provides a limitless source of bananas.

A bundle requires two empty blocks below it to be successfully shaken. If no such space is available, the chimp will jump around in frustration after reaching the bundle.

Chimps that are dirty or pale will never attempt to shake banana bundles.



Players may give chimps items by right clicking them on the chimp. If the item is in the #neapolitan:chimpanzee_snacks tag shown above, the chimp will stop being hostile towards the player.

Item Interactions

If chimps find an item in their hand which is not a snack, they look downwards and inspect it. If they are of a select amount of items listed below, the chimps will commence some interesting behavior. Otherwise, they will fling the item off on the ground.

After a chimp inspects any arrow, they will throw it at any nearby bolloom fruits and bolloom balloons. If none exists, they will simply drop the arrow as normal.

After a chimp inspects any empty bucket, they will shake it around in case there is something inside. There is a 10% chance for a banana to fall out of the bucket.

After a chimp flings off a dye, their hands will be smeared in the color of the dye. Mud balls will also smear their hands brown. Grooming chimps can remove the dyes smeared on their hands.

Chimps will set off any firework rockets they inspect. Since chimps are scared of firework entities, this will cause all nearby chimps to panic and run around aimlessly for awhile.

After a chimp inspects a helmet, they will excitedly put it on and off repeatedly before dropping it. If the helmet is enchanted with Curse of Binding, the chimp will not be able to take it off.

Baby chimps will not try to take off their helmets.

Chimps wearing a sanguine or griefer helmet, or a Thief's Hood will not render their ears as those armor should cover their entire head. More armor like this can be added with the tag #neapolitan:hides_chimpanzee_ears.

After a chimp inspects any sword, hoe, pickaxe, axe, shovel, or knife, they will grow excited, waving the tool around until they poke themselves. This will play their hurt animation, but will not lower their health. They will then fling the tool away and panickedly run around for awhile.

Ape Mode
After a chimp inspects any monkey brush, they will go into "ape mode", becoming frenzied, running around randomly, screaming, shaking, and occasionally doing backflips. More ape mode items can be added in the #neapolitan:chimpanzee_ape_mode_items tag.

Block Interactions

Chimpanzees can also decide to randomly to interact with a select number of blocks present in their area.

Bouncy Blocks
Chimps may decide to seek out nearby beds and slime blocks to bounce on them, like trampolines. Modpack makers can add more bouncy blocks with the tag #neapolitan:chimpanzee_jumping_blocks.

Like parrots, Chimps dance if a jukebox is playing a music disc nearby.

Note Block
Chimps may decide to seeks out nearby note blocks to play. They will sit atop the note block and play a note every 8 to 13 ticks, randomly changing the note block's pitch after each note.

Entity Interactions

Chimps mostly interact with other chimpanzees, but have some interactions with other entities. They will run away screaming from lighting bolts, primed TNT, evoker fangs, skulls fired by Withers, firework rockets, fireballs fired by blazes, ghasts, and Ender Dragons.

Other Chimpanzees
Chimps will give their bananas to nearby hungry chimps if they are not hungry. If a baby chimp's parents are killed, they will cry.

Chimps will attack whatever mob shot by a bananarrow. This is essential to acquiring the Hullabaloo music disc.
